Friday, August 4, 2017

The Invitation

I've been playing around with photoshop a little more and I've decided to start up a mini comic of Holyjade's journey in filling up her Transmog Closet. Here is the first one!!

#01  "The Invitation" 

Spartysmallwood's community is doing a fun event before Trial of Style. I am excited to be there and be participating. Come watch on his Twitch channel while people compete to show who has the best transmog!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

LFR Goodies

😡 Ugh the dreaded LFR... I know what you're thinking. I never thought I would see LFR again. Well if you're a seeker for Transmog as I am, then yes you will see LFR again. The drop rates are random so you will see it more than you'd like to. Now I'm talking about old LFR's from Cataclysm, Mist of Pandaria and Warlords of Dreanor. Not only does LFR have tier sets to collect they have also recolors of tier sets you can't really collect because of class lock reasons. So I tend to go every week.


Let's start with the first LFR that was introduced which is Dragon Soul. So Dragon Soul is pretty easy and solo able at lvl 110, but the loot is not guaranteed. You can get a bag that has loot or gold. Pretty crappy in my opinion, you also CAN NOT get extra rolls for it. Extra rolls were introduced in Mists. The NPC you talk to so you can go and solo Dragon Soul LFR is here.

The raid finder NPC is right outside of the instance. I also love 😍 the cloth outfit they have on her. One of my fav's from AQ!!

To get to Caverns of Time you can take the portal from The Chamber of the Guardian in Dalaran in the Broken Shore. 

If you don't have the Broken Shore Dalaran you can still get to Caverns of Time from Northrend Dalaran. 

Or you can fly from Tanaris in Kalimdor.

Mists of Pandaria 

Next up is LFR Mists! Also very easy to solo as lvl 110. I was not really a big fan of the Paladin Tier in Mists, but again tier is not only the thing I look for in LFR. You want to fly up to Mogu'Shan Palace. All the way up to the top. The raids you can do are Mogu'shan VaultsHeart of FearTerrace of Endless SpringThrone of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar. Will just like to add that Lorewalker Cho gives you a history lesson while he accompanies you in some of these LFR's. 

Before you would have to visit the NPC's to redeem the tokens but Blizzard fixed that and you just have to right click them to open them up. The only ones you do have to turn in are the tokens that you can Choose what Tier piece you want.

That vendor is in the major cities in Kun - Lai Summit. They are faction based so please make sure you go to the right city. Shrine of Seven Stars is Alliance and Shrine of Two Moons is Horde.

For Alliance go this way. 

Be sure to purchase tokens for extra rolls, but you will have to do dreadful mist dailies. I mean the dailies don't take as long as they did back in mist but they are annoying in my opinion. You need 50 Lesser charms for just 3 tokens. You also just get 1 lesser charm per daily. The Warforged seal vendor should be on the lower level under the Flight Path NPC.

Warlords of Dreanor

The bosses in LFR WoD are easy to solo at lvl 110, now some bosses could be a little more difficult so I would recommend you flask and bring drums (aka Heroism/Bloodlust). Blizzard has stated that they did fix the bosses that would teleport you so they do not get reset. This made it kind of impossible to solo raid finder as well as normal and heroic modes. Unlike the LFR's before this expansion you do have a better chance on loot. 👏 

I really do hope you still have your Garrison Hearthstone. 😆 If not you will need to take the portal to the Dark portal. They are located in Stormwind in the Mage Quarter and in Orgrimmar in The Cleft of Shadows. That will take you to Tanaan Jungle there you will either have to take a Flight Path to your Garrison and or Fly. The raids that are available are HighmaulBlackrock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel

Also if you have NOT done anything in Draenor you will have to do the whole quest line to lead to your garrison. It should take about 15-30 mins. To start the quest talk to Khadgar once you go to the Dark Portal that is located in Blasted Lands. Once you're at your Garrison the NPC for LFR is sitting in it.

Why do I have Halloween Decor? Because I love Halloween. It's by far my favorite holiday. 

You can get the re-roll tokens in Ashran. Stormshield for Alliance and Warspear for Horde. If you have a Rank 3 garrison you have a portal to these cities. If not you will have to hop on a Flight path there. 

Now the NPC's that sell the re-roll tokens are near the Auction House in Stormshield and for Warspear it's near the hut that has the Orgrimmar portal. 

Seal of Tempered Fate you can buy for 300 gold a piece and you can hold the maximum of 20 of them. The Seal of Inevitable Fate you have to buy with gold, Garrison Resources and or Apexis crystals. The maximum you can get in 1 week is 3 and the maximum you can carry is 20. 

I hope this guide will help you get all the amazing Transmog your hear desires. 😍 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Hey guys. I know I've been gone for a while. Had a lot to do with being a stay at home mom, but now I'm finding more free time to be able to talk about what I love TRANSMOG!

So Blizzard will be introducing a new Transmog adventure in 7.2.5 called Trial of Style
Wowhead has a great preview about it. I got to test it out and I had a great time with it

It was a lot of fun testing it out on the PTR and since then I decided to go back farming. Items I really loved but didn't have enough storage space for it before they added the appearance tab.
I am also very happy about Blizzard adding the new Set's tab in the Appearance section. It's easy to keep track of what whole sets you have. 

I will continuing my Transmog hoarding, I now do this on Stormrage. Yes I know I'm alliance 🙊  !!!  Unfortunately I could not find a good raiding guild on Illidan for Mythic Progression on Horde side.  So since I am have been watching Spartysmallwood for a while now, I decided to give his community a shot! I am happy to say I am very happy with my raid group (Third Shift) I finally found a home again for raiding. I am now just farming some old school stuff mostly BC dungeon's Normal and heroic. Reminder Atlas loot is a fantastic addon to use for searching for pieces of gear in dungeons and raids.  

Well off to add more things to my Wardrobe. If you have any questions about where you can find good items just message me on Twitter. Until next time friends. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Warcraft Online Book Club

I was talking to a bunch of my Twitch friends and we were really interested in reading the Warcraft books in order. To make it more fun and interesting we decided to make an online book club. Each month we read a book and then we will chat about it on discord and or Twitch stream. I found a good book order listing from the Warcraft forums. If you would like to join us here is what you will need 

1.) Book List
2.) Discord App  This is also available via cellphone app, if you do not wish to use the PC version. (this is a free app)
3.) account (this is free to use) my twitch account follow for when we go live Jaded_one_ftw
4.) Excitement for the lore
5.) Respectful attitude

Every month I will make a post on what book we will read and where we will be discussing it. Sometimes it could just be in a private discord voice or text chat and sometimes it will be via stream. I will post tweets with polls just in case people need more time to read. So here is my twitter Jaded_one_ftw  Once you get Discord I can invite you to the group discord and if you have questions you can ask it on there. If you need any assistance on how to get discord you can ask via comment here or on my twitter. 

The book list is very long so this may take a while to complete. Now how you get the books is completely up to you :) If you need help finding books I can assist via discord. 

Book List:

War of the Ancients : The Well of Eternity (Novel, 10,000 Years)
War of the Ancients : The Demon Soul (Novel, 10,000 Years)
War of the Ancients : The Sundering (Novel, 10,000 Years)
War of the Shifting Sands (SS)

Rise of the Horde (Novel, Pre-First War)
Unbroken (SS, Pre-First War)
The Last Guardian (Novel, First War/WC1)

Beyond the Dark Portal (Novel, Second War/WC2)

Lord of the Clans (Novel, Post-Second War)
Day of the Dragon (Novel, Post-Second War)
Of Blood and Honor (SS, Post-Second War)
Road to Damnation (SS, Post-Second War)

Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (Novel, WC3/Third War)
Death Knight (Manga, Third War)
Vol'jin: The Judgment (SS, Third War)

Sunwell Trilogy (Manga, Post-Third War)

Cycle of Hatred (Pre-Vanilla)
Ashbringer (Comic, Third War & Vanilla)

Night of the Dragon (The Burning Crusade)
Garrosh: Heart of War (SS, Post-TBC, Pre-WotLK)
World of Warcraft: The Comic (The Burning Crusade & Pre-WotLK)
Lor'themar: In the Shadow of the Sun (SS, Pre-WotLK)

Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night (SS. Immediately post-WotLK)
Stormrage (Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)
Shaman (Manga, Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)
The Shattering (Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)

Curse of the Worgen (Comic, Cataclysm)
Genn Greymane: Lord of his Pack (SS, Cataclysm)
The Council of Three Hammers: Fire and Iron (SS, Cataclysm)
Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of Faith (SS, Cataclysm)
Baine Bloodhoof: As Our Fathers Before Us (SS, Cataclysm)
Gallywix: Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince (SS, Cataclysm)
Wolfheart (Novel, Cataclysm)
Velen: Prophet's Lesson (SS, Cataclysm)
Varian Wrynn: Blood of Our Fathers (SS, Cataclysm)
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects (Novel, Cataclysm)

Quest for Pandaria (Comic, Pre-MoP, Post-Cataclysm)
Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War (Pre-MoP, Post-Cataclysm)

The Trial of the Red Blossoms (SS, Mists of Pandaria)
Bleeding Sun (SS, Mists of Pandaria)
Dawn of the Aspects (E-Book, Mists of Pandaria/Pre-History)
Vol'jin: Shadow of the Horde (Novel, Mists of Pandaria)
The Blank Scroll (SS, Mists of Pandaria)
Blood and Thunder (Comic, Pre-WoD)
War Crimes (Novel, Pre-WoD)

Hellscream (SS, Warlords of Draenor)
Gul'dan and the Stranger (Comic, Warlords of Draenor)
Blackhand (Comic, Warlords of Draenor)
Code of Rule (SS, Warlords of Draenor)
Apocrypha (SS, Warlords of Draenor)

If you can't make the book club voice meet you can always submit to me questions you had about the book and I can always read them for you and I will post what we talked about via my blog. :) So you don't miss anything. Since some days I will be streaming our meet I will also have video logs of the meeting. There are even some discussion of going in game to a location and sitting and chatting about the book. Even ideas of maybe re doing quests in game to see it in action. :) 

Can't wait to read and chat with all of you!!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Legion Game Systems

So in this blog we will be discussing:

Class Halls
Class Changes


Craig Amai started talking about artifacts for Legion. Can I say I love his purple hair? <3 
What is really interesting is the back story of all these amazing artifacts, not to mention all the different styles of each artifact. 

This is a scythe created by Sargaras given to the first necrolyte that he sent to Azeroth. This scythe was used to purge the life of Deadwind pass. This artifact is for Affliction Warlock. The quest line starts you opening a gateway with the help of the Council of the Black Harvest... That is all I'm saying. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but in your quest you get to go into Karazhan to obtain your artifact! 

These Artifacts have so many cool effects as well as bonuses. You can tell they really dove deep into the roots of the weapon and give it such character. This scythe will reap the soul of what you killed. 

You then head to The Broken Isle to accrue Artifact Power, that you will need to unlock abilities for your weapon. No matter what you like to do weather it's pvp / raiding / quests, you have a chance to gain Artifact Power. 

You need Artifact Power to unlock traits for the weapon, After you unlock your first trait you will have different choices on where to go with your tree. 

In order to progress further into the tree you need to complete the rank (3/3, 2/2, etc) In the tree you will see Major Traits (Gold emblem around trait), these might help you decided where you would like to go in your tree. 

You will eventually unlock all of the traits. You will receive first trait when you obtain your weapon. You will receive your first major trait almost at max level. He did say that it will take MONTHS to get all of the traits unlocked. 

Another item you will see in Legion is Relics! Special items you can socket into your Artifact to increase it's power. They can also give you bonus ranks to certain traits in your Artifact tree. So you can decided what you want to increase, so something that might not be strong can become strong!

Relics come in many types (Fire,Water,Shadow,Earth, etc) At the top you see 2 symbols, those are the types of relics the Artifact can use. 

Once you reach max level and then you can upgrade your Artifact. This will be a quest line that will have you do multiple tasks. When you upgrade your weapon you receive a new model. 

In Legion there will be many other ways to change the way your weapon looks as well as multiple colors. 

Looks like you can unlock different colors via achievements. You can also unlock colors via quests and / or slaying certain NPC's. 

Here are the other Artifacts in Legion. ^_^  They look so good! I will link the Artifact reveal from Blizzard. The reveals gives backstory on the weapons, it's nice to know the backstory of the weapon your wielding. 

Death Knight

 Blood - Maw of the Damned 

 Frost - Icebringer and Frostreaper (Blades of the Fallen Prince)

Unholy - Apocalypse 


Protection - Scale of the Earth-Warder

Fury - Warswords of Valajar

Looks like they didn't show Arms weapon at Blizzcon but they're listed in the reveal.


 Holy - The Silver Hand

 Retribution - Ashbringer 

Protection - Truthguard 


Balance - Scythe of Elune 

Restoration - G'Hanir, the Mother Tree

Feral and Guardian Artifacts were not shown at Blizzcon, but it was later revealed on


Brewmaster - Fu Zan, the Wanderer's Companion 

Mistweaver - Sheilun, Staff of Mists 

Windwalker - Fists of the Heavens 


Assassination - Anguish and Sorrow  

 Outlaw - The Dreadblades (Fate and Fortune)

Subtley - Fangs of the Devourer 


Beastmaster - Titanstrike

Marksman - Thas'dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners

Survival - Talonclaw, Spear of the Wild Gods


Elemental -  The Fist of Ra-Den

Enhancement - Doomhammer 

Restoration Artifact was not revealed at Blizzcon, but was later reveled on
Shaman Artifact Reveal


Discipline - Light's Wrath

Holy- Tuure, Beacon of the Naaru

Shadow - Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire
Priest Artifact Reveal


Arcane - Aluneth, Greatstaff of the Magna 

Fire - Felo'melorn

Frost - Ebonchill

Warlock was not revealed besides the Deadwind Harvester, but it is on
Warlock Artifact Reveal

Demon Hunter reveal via
Demon Hunter Artifact Reveal

Class Halls

They are also known as order halls, and the devs really wanted to make sure the class hall represented the class. So we will see many areas that have meaning to each class, some areas have a backstory as to why this is significant to a specific class. I really love that Blizzard put so much detail into Class Halls. Seems like this Expansion will have so much Lore. ^_^   They only show 1 Class Hall, Druids. 

The Dreamgrove is in Val'shara. It's a location where the fabric between the Emerald Dream and Azeroth is at it's thinnest. Druids will only be allowed inside the Dreamgrove. 

Every Class Hall will have a Shrine or Alter that you can use to empower your Artifact. 

You will get to learn the backstory of your Class Champion. Most of the Class Champions are important figures in Azeroth, some are even leaders. Oooh does that mean we can get people like Varian, Yrel or Thrall as our class champions?!! Maybe we can even have apparitions as our champions like Rhonin! The ideas are endless. 

This is a new portal to content in Legion. This map will help you decided where you would want to start questing, as well as give you new content through out leveling.

Some classes will get class specific content, like demon hunting quests and pick pocketing quests. 

So many class features and bonuses, some are unique to the class and some are shared. Armor Stance, will let you show off armor sets you have gain from content. Hunter's have a lodge that gives them flight access that no one else has. Druids have the dreamway that allows them to connect to other natural locations. Warriors have an arena where they can duel NPC's and other Warriors.

Every class will have a way to get back to their Class Hall (Much like a Deathgate). Each one will be specific to each class. 

Class Changes

Kris Zierhut started off by saying they really looked into classes to make sure they really coincided with the fantasy their about. They want class spells and abilities to stay within their theme. Each class and spec should be unique.

They wanted to empower some classes in Legion. Death Knights are one of them, they decided to clean up how you use Runes. 1 type of Rune  (instead of 3 types), you still have 6 of them. Fury Warrior is another class, with having to keep track of your charges. No more having to constantly track buffs. World wind abilities now aoe for several secs after, no need to pay attention to meat cleaver. During Enrage you can do Raging Blow as much as you want, no more Raging Blow charges. Any buff and debuff controlling how characters worked, were either eliminated or used for a resource. For Mages Arcane charges are now a resource. 

New Mastery called Savant, increases how much mana you have. Higher mastery higher the mana, more spells you can cast hence more damage going out. 

Survival Hunter is now melee! All melee spells are back! Harpoon, Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite and Lacerate.

Discipline Priest are going back to atonement, dealing damage is how they heal. 

Subtlety Rogues are now going to be real ninja's. With Shadowdance every time you do a finishing move you have a 20% chance of going back into stealth, the stealth does not break even when you take damage. Shadowstrike allows you to teleport to a target, you can do ambush to the target as a opener.

Demonology Warlocks have more minions to summon, and buffing and sending minions out are part of their core combat rotation.

Guardian Druids are no longer about dodgy circus bear, they are all about Armor, Health, and survivability.

Shadow Priest have a new resource Insanity, no more mana. They have different phases first their shadow form get's darker, then they spawn tentacles and then they become a Void.

They got rid of themed rows, spells that were similar to each other making you choose which one you wanted to use. Hundreds of Talents coming to Legion!


Paul Kubit  starts of telling us about recipe acquisition, so basically you go out to the world and you find a NPC that coincides with your profession. This NPC will then continue to give you quests that will give you recipes, while learning the back story about the NPC. 

Mining Nodes & Herbs are shared. 

Now you get ranked in your recipes, higher you rank the less materials and time it takes to craft. You can also pick stuff that are your favorites and move it to the top. I wonder if you get higher with ranks will you be able to proc more, that would be nice. They now have a learned and unlearned tab. So you can now see what recipes you don't have and where to find them. 

Obliterum is a craft item you use to increase the power of your crafted items. At level 110 you will receive a quest to build this Obliterum forge. You can turn crafted items into Obliterum with the forge. 

 Crafted Profession only use items will now be more special, engineer items will be made from guns(etc). All Jewelcrafting crafted necks will come with a gem slot.

Major Glyphs are removed in Legion. Minor glyphs will now be applied to a spell, you can now glyph as many spells as you want. Vantus Rune is a Raid buff. 

Archaeologist will have a expansion long quest that takes them all around Azeroth. So many items to find!!


They want you to fishing to be more interactive. So no more being bored watching Netflix! You could catch a fish or a monster. Also 2 new bandages coming in Legion


Matt Goss started off by saying they wanted people to remember what it was like to have that amazing Epic item that stood out and you were proud to have. Since Epics are a dime a dozen in WoW today they are now making these amazing items Legendary items. They are rare but they are not random. Legion will have better ways to find them. 

Nice! So items scale up. Another option if people do not want to raid.
All I can is THANK YOU for the personal loot being traded. 

Collections!! Wardrobe!! No longer having to hold on to items!! ACCOUNT WIDE!!! 

Omg the top of the UI has a bar that tells you how many items you have. I have to get MAX ON ALL SLOTS!!! 

OMG I can link my outfits to other people!! Even shows you items you don't have (shopping list).

WOW WOW WOW!!! All quests that gave you items that were completed, they will unlock it for you. Even items that you could equip 2 or more items. I can finally have a Ret look and a Holy look without spending so much damn gold!! Hide Shoulders!! Thank you some green items have terrible shoulders!!

TABARDS!!!!!!!! YES!!!! 

WOW all that Transmog info... I can't wait to show you guys my sets!! 

Next Blog will be about Overwatch. I am really enjoying the back story of all the characters. Till next time!