Friday, August 4, 2017

The Invitation

I've been playing around with photoshop a little more and I've decided to start up a mini comic of Holyjade's journey in filling up her Transmog Closet. Here is the first one!!

#01  "The Invitation" 

Spartysmallwood's community is doing a fun event before Trial of Style. I am excited to be there and be participating. Come watch on his Twitch channel while people compete to show who has the best transmog!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

LFR Goodies

😡 Ugh the dreaded LFR... I know what you're thinking. I never thought I would see LFR again. Well if you're a seeker for Transmog as I am, then yes you will see LFR again. The drop rates are random so you will see it more than you'd like to. Now I'm talking about old LFR's from Cataclysm, Mist of Pandaria and Warlords of Dreanor. Not only does LFR have tier sets to collect they have also recolors of tier sets you can't really collect because of class lock reasons. So I tend to go every week.


Let's start with the first LFR that was introduced which is Dragon Soul. So Dragon Soul is pretty easy and solo able at lvl 110, but the loot is not guaranteed. You can get a bag that has loot or gold. Pretty crappy in my opinion, you also CAN NOT get extra rolls for it. Extra rolls were introduced in Mists. The NPC you talk to so you can go and solo Dragon Soul LFR is here.

The raid finder NPC is right outside of the instance. I also love 😍 the cloth outfit they have on her. One of my fav's from AQ!!

To get to Caverns of Time you can take the portal from The Chamber of the Guardian in Dalaran in the Broken Shore. 

If you don't have the Broken Shore Dalaran you can still get to Caverns of Time from Northrend Dalaran. 

Or you can fly from Tanaris in Kalimdor.

Mists of Pandaria 

Next up is LFR Mists! Also very easy to solo as lvl 110. I was not really a big fan of the Paladin Tier in Mists, but again tier is not only the thing I look for in LFR. You want to fly up to Mogu'Shan Palace. All the way up to the top. The raids you can do are Mogu'shan VaultsHeart of FearTerrace of Endless SpringThrone of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar. Will just like to add that Lorewalker Cho gives you a history lesson while he accompanies you in some of these LFR's. 

Before you would have to visit the NPC's to redeem the tokens but Blizzard fixed that and you just have to right click them to open them up. The only ones you do have to turn in are the tokens that you can Choose what Tier piece you want.

That vendor is in the major cities in Kun - Lai Summit. They are faction based so please make sure you go to the right city. Shrine of Seven Stars is Alliance and Shrine of Two Moons is Horde.

For Alliance go this way. 

Be sure to purchase tokens for extra rolls, but you will have to do dreadful mist dailies. I mean the dailies don't take as long as they did back in mist but they are annoying in my opinion. You need 50 Lesser charms for just 3 tokens. You also just get 1 lesser charm per daily. The Warforged seal vendor should be on the lower level under the Flight Path NPC.

Warlords of Dreanor

The bosses in LFR WoD are easy to solo at lvl 110, now some bosses could be a little more difficult so I would recommend you flask and bring drums (aka Heroism/Bloodlust). Blizzard has stated that they did fix the bosses that would teleport you so they do not get reset. This made it kind of impossible to solo raid finder as well as normal and heroic modes. Unlike the LFR's before this expansion you do have a better chance on loot. 👏 

I really do hope you still have your Garrison Hearthstone. 😆 If not you will need to take the portal to the Dark portal. They are located in Stormwind in the Mage Quarter and in Orgrimmar in The Cleft of Shadows. That will take you to Tanaan Jungle there you will either have to take a Flight Path to your Garrison and or Fly. The raids that are available are HighmaulBlackrock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel

Also if you have NOT done anything in Draenor you will have to do the whole quest line to lead to your garrison. It should take about 15-30 mins. To start the quest talk to Khadgar once you go to the Dark Portal that is located in Blasted Lands. Once you're at your Garrison the NPC for LFR is sitting in it.

Why do I have Halloween Decor? Because I love Halloween. It's by far my favorite holiday. 

You can get the re-roll tokens in Ashran. Stormshield for Alliance and Warspear for Horde. If you have a Rank 3 garrison you have a portal to these cities. If not you will have to hop on a Flight path there. 

Now the NPC's that sell the re-roll tokens are near the Auction House in Stormshield and for Warspear it's near the hut that has the Orgrimmar portal. 

Seal of Tempered Fate you can buy for 300 gold a piece and you can hold the maximum of 20 of them. The Seal of Inevitable Fate you have to buy with gold, Garrison Resources and or Apexis crystals. The maximum you can get in 1 week is 3 and the maximum you can carry is 20. 

I hope this guide will help you get all the amazing Transmog your hear desires. 😍 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Hey guys. I know I've been gone for a while. Had a lot to do with being a stay at home mom, but now I'm finding more free time to be able to talk about what I love TRANSMOG!

So Blizzard will be introducing a new Transmog adventure in 7.2.5 called Trial of Style
Wowhead has a great preview about it. I got to test it out and I had a great time with it

It was a lot of fun testing it out on the PTR and since then I decided to go back farming. Items I really loved but didn't have enough storage space for it before they added the appearance tab.
I am also very happy about Blizzard adding the new Set's tab in the Appearance section. It's easy to keep track of what whole sets you have. 

I will continuing my Transmog hoarding, I now do this on Stormrage. Yes I know I'm alliance 🙊  !!!  Unfortunately I could not find a good raiding guild on Illidan for Mythic Progression on Horde side.  So since I am have been watching Spartysmallwood for a while now, I decided to give his community a shot! I am happy to say I am very happy with my raid group (Third Shift) I finally found a home again for raiding. I am now just farming some old school stuff mostly BC dungeon's Normal and heroic. Reminder Atlas loot is a fantastic addon to use for searching for pieces of gear in dungeons and raids.  

Well off to add more things to my Wardrobe. If you have any questions about where you can find good items just message me on Twitter. Until next time friends.