Where we left off in the ending of the WoD expansion is with us defeating Archimonde. Forcing Gul'dan to fulfill his promise of using a fel army to destroy Azeroth, sending him out of Draenor.
Kil'jaeden is once again in Gul'dan's ear this time telling him to head to the Broken Isles.
Gul'dan is commanded to head to the Tomb of Sargeras and shatter the protective wards.
He starts the biggest Legion invasion at the Broken Shore. The Broken Shore is a 40 person scenario where you team up with the opposite faction (20 ally / 20 horde) and attempt to defeat the Burning Legion.
Demon Hunter will start at level 98. Playing through the intro will show you all that you sacrificed to become a Demon Hunter. Looks like the cinematic team is working on a amazing Demon Hunter intro video. It begins with the Heroes of Azeroth heading to Black Temple to attack Illidan. He then creates a portal to Mardum and escapes. As a Demon Hunter you will invade Mardum.
Mardum was Sargeras's prison world for demons. When Sargeras became evil he shattered Mardum. Mardum is an amazing looking area. It looks like a cross between Shadowmoon Valley/Deepholm/Swamp of Sorrows.
Looks like the Legion is bringing lots and lots of demons to the fight this time as well as large constructs. You will need to use the Legions devices against them and while questing you will gain your abilities by killing your foes. Your rewards also include a Felsaber mount exclusive to Demon Hunters.
Just like in Mists of Pandaria after you finish your intro quests you meet up with your faction (Alliance or Horde). Establish your Order Hall (in Mardum) and start your quest for your artifact Warglaives.
If you are looking for Demon Hunter spells as well as intro game play check out
Towelliee playing demon hunter intro at blizzcon
Our quest to defeat the Burning Legion is to search for the ancient Titan relics known as the Pillars of Creation. Only with these relics, ancient artifacts, as well as the help of the Demon Hunter allies will be able to close the demon portal.
Back story of The Broken Isles is:
10,000 years ago the lands of the Broken Isles was a tiny part of Azeroth that was once known as Suramar. After the sundering, Suramar was destroyed. All that is left are 6 areas Val'sharah, Stormheim, Azsuna, High Mountain, Suramar, and Thal'Dranath.
Here is a photo of what the map will look like
The Heart of Druidism, this is where Malfurion trained with Cenarious. This area has some darkness as well, and this is where the Emerald Nightmare is located. |
Located North West on the map. |
Shaladrassil is the world tree that was the gateway to the Emerald Dream, now has become tainted. |
Black Rook Hold that was a nightelf fortress, that is now haunted. Many new models you will see in Val'sharah.
Arch Druids
Xavis Satyr Legions
Nightmare Dragons
New Moonkin updated model
New Seal updated model
Concept art for The emerald nightmare |
This zone is really interesting since the nightmare is trying to consume it. Can't wait to see what amazing quests we get within the nightmare. :D
Located North East on the map. |
Ascendant Valkyr |
Stormdragon Flight - New Dragon flight |
Mystic Vrykul - Religious Zelots / Masters of Rune Magics |
![]() |
Skovault - God King. |
This zone will be interesting to see how the God King became corrupted by the Legion. Wonder what Gul'dan promised him. :o
Located South West on the map. |
Much of the devastation of Azsuna happened before the sundering, Queen Azshara annihilated the people with her power.
Azsuna's rich arcane energies has caused the remnants of the blue dragon flight to find refuge here.
Warden's Isle - Home of the Vault of the Warden's |
Spectre - Male Banchee (Manchee)
New Naga Model
Sea Giants - Part of Queen Azshara's Army
Wrath of Azshara
Warden Warriors & companions
Really hope they do a flash back story on how and why Queen Azshara destroyed this beautiful city. I would like to there's a method to her madness.
High Mountain
I'm excited to learn about the Drogal lore and how they escaped slavery from Neltharion as
well as the backstory of the antler designs on the Tauren clans.
Located South East of the map.
This zone is still in progress, but will be released similar to the Tanaan Jungle. No photos yet :( Hopefully we will see it soon.
Next blog is about Game play & Systems. I'm saving the best for last that is Transmog :)
Next blog is about Game play & Systems. I'm saving the best for last that is Transmog :)
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