Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Blizzcon Opening Ceremony Recap

The opening ceremony began with a Starcraft video about how Starcraft was created and how it's one of the most popular RTS's out today. Mike Morhaime stated that he loved seeing how big the blizzard community has grown through out the years and that he is amazed by the strong relationships and connections people have made through gaming. I loved that he met his wife through Blizzard and that he is introducing his child into gaming as well. That brought a smile to my face since I met my husband through Blizzard games and we bring our son every year. Mike continued to speak about Legacy of the Void, Starcraft's newest expansion. The Protoss to back their planet Aiur.

It includes 2 new co-op modes: archon mode and co-op missions. Which makes playing with friends a lot easier. Legacy of the Void is a standalone so you don't have to have the other Starcraft's to play it. The game will also have mission packs with new stories and experiences.

The expansion is available for purchase now Nov 10, 2015
Legacy of the Void

The Devs decided to premiere the Warcraft movie trailer at Blizzcon. I was super excited to see it!! I really do love that the Director Duncan Jones is a Blizzard fan / gamer since the Lost Viking days. They showed some of the cast members which was pretty cool. Here are some screenshots of the amazing trailer. If you want to see the trailer  Warcraft Movie Trailer

Baby Thrall O_O..........  he's so damn cute!


After the amazing movie reveal we had Dustin Browder talk about what's new to come with Heroes of the Storm. Looks like we will have 2 new battlegrounds and 6 new Heroes. New game mode called The Arena. 

Where fate chooses who you play and who your opponent plays, which I think it kind of cool. You are given 3 random heroes that you have to choose from, you also choose 1 heroic ability. They also revealed a new map called Towers of Doom as well as 3 new heroes. Here is what the 2 new maps and 3 new heroes look like.

This hero was crazy! 2 people controlling 1 hero!! 

Next up was Eric Doods talking about what's to come to Hearthstone. New adventure in Hearthstone called The League of Explorers.

Pretty Exciting!! 

The journey will take you all around Azeroth searching for the staff of origination. These are the League of Explorers.

Brann the leader of the explorers

Elise is the brains of the explorers. Reno is a fortune hunter, who is a little shady.

Finley is the classy one in the bunch. 

Lots of new cards added to this adventure as well as some new mechanics. Discover will let you see 3 random cards, they are not from you deck but are valid for your deck. You will be able to put a member of the league in your deck. Golden Monkey card is new and pretty crazy.

It was then revealed that the new adventure will be available on Nov 12th!!!
People were speechless, as was I.

Jeff Kaplan was next talking about Overwatch. Oh Jeff Please give me the beta!!! Overwatch had so many reveals at Blizzcon this year. I will do another Blog about overwatch in a few days. Let's just talk briefly about what's new with Overwatch. A new map called Hollywood also 3 new characters:

Hanzo's Brother!!! 

When you buy Overwatch you get all 21 heroes in the game and all the maps. They are also going to have a Overwatch: Origins Edition. What comes with the origins edition. 5 Overwatch skins (Soldier 76, Bastion, Reaper, Pharah and Tracer.) The origin's edition comes with many other goodies as:

Mercy Wings for Diablo
Overwatch portraits for Starcraft
Overwatch card back for Hearthstone
Baby Winston pet for Warcraft

If you are a console gamer you will love the option to be able to play Overwatch on either the Xbox One or the PS4!!!

If you want to pre order for the special Noire Widowmaker skin here is the link Pre Order Overwatch

Now for what I've been waiting to hear about LEGION!! Chris Metzen is here to talk about what to expect. So the story starts after Gul'dan has been tossed out of Draenor and he has a task to do. To tear a whole in the side of reality using the Felstorm. From the Felstorm the burning legion has returned!! Who do you call when you need to kill the Burning Legion!! Illidan Stormrage!! "Feel the Hatred of 10,000 years" When Illidan comes so does the Illidari, hence why Demon Hunters are coming to Legion. Then Chris revealed the Cinematic for Legion and can I say it was glorious. The cinematic team did not disappoint!! Here are some Screenshots.

So some time in the summer. You can Pre Order Legion and get the early access to the Demon Hunter as well as a boost to 100 character!!! I will be doing a whole blog about Legion. Warcraft is what I will mostly blog about. I do love many Blizzard games but Warcraft is by far my favorite.
I am hoping to get my husband to blog a little more about Heroes since he loves that game. Write in the comments if you would love to hear what he has to say about Heroes.

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